MPRS Presents Hall of Fame Speaker Sunjay Nath at Brethren Village: Unlock the Secrets to Boosting Team Performance

August 9, 2023 – The Marketing Public Relations Society (MPRS), network of marketers in the senior living industry, is thrilled to announce its upcoming event to be held on September 22, 2023, at the beautiful Brethren Village in Lititz, PA.

This year, MPRS brings you the opportunity to learn from Hall of Fame Speaker, Sunjay Nath, a recognized thought leader in the domain of leadership and team dynamics. Mr. Nath will be sharing insights from his widely-acclaimed ’10-80-10 Principle’, offering attendees actionable steps to augment their team’s performance and drive tangible results.

The ’10-80-10 Principle’ elucidates the strategies to amplify the top 10% of behaviors that contribute to a team’s success and diminish the bottom 10% that detract from it. Attendees will be equipped with tools to neutralize non-productive actions and foster an environment of growth and innovation.

If stagnation has plagued your organization and you’re searching for ways to rejuvenate your team’s spirit and productivity, then this presentation is tailored for you. With Sunjay’s expertise and the collective energy of industry peers, we anticipate this to be one of our most impactful events.

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